Wednesday 29 October 2014


The past year has been an excellent one. One of the best things that have happened in my life is my admission in university. Despite all the bad moments when I couldn´t study in time for a test, I have had a good time in the college.

In the past year I have learnt hot to concentrate longer, how to improve my management of time, and have adapted to the university´s lifestyle. Also, I have gotten very good marks. And maybe the most important thing among all: I have learnt a lot of information to support my ideological point of view.

I haven´t begun drawing yet, but I hope to do so in the holidays. Also, I would like to continue writing my book.

I have been helping Boris Santander (my former archaeology teacher) to classify and to enamel bones. All that work is for his thesis. I have to admit that the tasks that I have to do are much less slightly than I though. I was expecting a micro-precision process, but instead, I have to manipulate the pieces with my bare hands, with no mask or mandil, and discerning quickly and with no special observation what piece is not-burned, burned, charred or incinerated. What is more, the "glaze" we use to enamel the pieces is in fact varnish. It is awesome! Maybe is for this reason that the anthropologists are sometimes called "the hippies of the science". I really like this flexibility, because I really hate to use a suit and to follow too many rules.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


Painting is an important part of the human culture. Every society has a sort of painting activity, and even more than just one style in the cases of the larger human groups. This form of art helps you to communicate feelings and opinions to other people, and sometimes it can even be a great way to interact with yourself.

However, despite all what I have just said, I never have had any kind of passion for it. I didn´t like to draw or paint when I was a kid. Now of course that I would like to draw somethings, but I have no experience, and just hope to learn to draw in the future. I don´t want to paint things like modern art or classic art, because I don´t share the feelings of those arts. I just want to find something to feel comfortable with. Speaking about sharing points of views, I consider that the graffiti is both an art and an act of vandalism. For me is like vandal art.

I don`t like visiting art museums, not because I think that the artist are crazy, but because I don`t like that form of expressing ideas. For my pleasure, I prefer to read parodies and comedies about ideological issues.

I am not even very interested in the Soviet Union´s art.

The futurism is maybe the only art that have ever interested me. It was revolutionary with its idea of adding movement to the pictures. However, that was a fascist art, and promoted the use of the violence over speaking as a way to solve problems.

Still, I have no favourite artist, because I don`t like any kind of painting in particular.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Being a Green One

People can learn about environmentalist issues in the Green Peace web page. I do not check it very often, because I am too busy. Also, in my house we don´t make as many things as we would like to do (like participate in eco-friendly activities) because we are not very tidy, but at least we put the plastics in one bag and organic food in another in order to recycling it. If I had more time, maybe I would join an eco-organisation, but I can´t right now. So I think I am a Green-in-Between.

Since I enter university I don´t use cars or public transport very often. I live near the college, so I can just go walking. I used to ride my bike to reach the university, but it was very annoying to have to carry the chain, the helmet, the gloves and to have to worry about thieves. At the end, I wasn´t saving much time going by bicycle. With this I am saving a lot of gas (and preventing a lot of pollution).

When I was in school there were a recycling project in progress, so we had different garbage cans for different things. At the beginning, everybody was cooperating with the initiative. However, because the municipality didn´t have the infrastructure to recycling, when the garbage truck arrived, the stuff just dump the cans in the same container. Soon, everybody got frustrated and the project failed.

We also had a container deploy taps for further recycling in order to help kids with cancer. However, in a school´s event, the parents used that container as a normal garbage can, despite the pictures explaining it´s real purpose. I was very upset. In this society the enviromental culture is missing.

Thursday 2 October 2014


Ah! Friends! Those guys who are always ready to make you have a good time. At least this is my basic perception of what a friend should be. Yeah, for most people friends means someone that will help you in any problem, but because me and my friends don´t get together very often in many cases we can´t help each other as we would like.

Maybe I am not a very good friend because I don´t talk to my mates very often, but if they ask me to help them I will do so.

I don´t trust frienships made in the internet, and that is one reason why I don´t make new friend very often. However, I am sure to keep the frienships that I already have, to the point that I "frienzoned" a girl once. Despite this, I have not maintained all my childhood friendships.

My best friend´s name is Lucas Nieto. Before we entered the University we used to get together to play videogames and to see movies. We also liked to comment "curious fact" about society, videogames and films. However, he is studying very hard in his medicine career, and I also have a lot of work in the mine. But it doesn´t matter, because when holidays season arrives we will regain our lives and get together again.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

My Future Job

In the future I would like to be an archaeologist. I think I will be travelling a lot and make some bureaucracy with bones. That job will be in both indoors and outdoors because the laboratory (boring!) part and the field work (exciting sometimes, frustrating the most of the time!).

I would like to travel sometimes, but not too often. Everything will be fine for me if I can stay in the same place for three or four semesters. I just don´t want to install all my stuff in my room time and time again. I am a bit lazy.

I rather prefer to work for the University than for the government or a company because I think in the former you will work to discover more, instead of trying to had the results that the politician or the boss wants to have. Both want the archaeologist to say that there is no evidence of past human occupation to prevent a business project to take place, If I am sincere they will probably not want to hire me again.

I don´t know what majors are available for my career, but I want to choose one related to animals, because they are a key part of the men´s environment. I am particularly interested in the llama, because it´s important role in the Andes´s natives.

Wednesday 10 September 2014


I use to play most of my videogames in the computer. I played my first videogame when I was like 7 years old. 

Since then I have played a lot of videogames, but most of them where from Cartoon´s  Network site.

It is hard to say which is my favourite game. Maybe Skyrim if you talk about first/second person games. Or maybe Civilization 5 if you talk about strategy games.

Anyway, I didn´t use to play with anybody. Just a couple years ago I began my first onlyne games.

I ignore how much time I spent on games. Maybe 6 hours a week now. In the summer... we... I just get really insane.

Because my games takes so long to end, I don´t use to skip sleep. I just delay it a bit.

Normally, i prefer to spend time with other humans beings, but if I have had an awful day I just want to sit down and play for a while. To play videogames is an exellent option if you need to be alone and want to forget your problems for some time. Of course, it will not help you to relax and fell better, like sports do, but it is a quick way to have fun if you have no much time.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

My best holidays

In 2012 I went to Brazil in a study trip with all of my classmates (well, in fact with most of them). We spent 10 days in an hotel.

Here we visited the Beto Carrero World, a Fun Fair where I played all the big games. It was unforgettable, mainly because I am a single child and in vacations I always have to play alone in the Fun Fair. But there I had all my classmates. It is much funnier with more people. The same happened when we went to the beach.

We had most of our meals in the hotel, and in every single meal there were potato chips! The problem was that we were very thirsty all of the time to be able to eat much of this.

The only problem was that we had a hour for every thing, so it was not so relaxing. Also we done a lot of things in the day, reaching the bed very tired, so wake up in time was hard and very annoying.

It was also the first time I shared room with someone else, but it didn´t become a problem.

In the beach a man was doing temporal tattoos, and my classmates payed him to have some, so I make the same. Unfortunately, in my case it didn´t go away, and I still have, while my friends don´t even remeber how their tattoos looked like. Still, I do not regret my visit to Brazil.