Friday 20 June 2014

My blogging experience 

Until this year I had just posted one blog in my whole life! It is interesting to write your opinion without fell that you are in a test. This activity  has helped me to practise and improve my writing abilities. I still have to practise more, but this activities are a good help. However, I feel satisfied with my progress.

If I could suggest something it would be to read articles of other people and then to write a post about my personal opinion about them. Also, I would suggest to be able to use some words that are part of the daily life of most common English-speaker adult. Sometimes the "bad words" help to express better your truly feelings.

I would love to write more about fictional creatures (vampires, werewolfs, goblins, orcs, etc), alternative time lines (what could have happened if...?), native cultures (this is why my blog is called like that), empires (how they rise, decay and fall), wars (causes, stages and consequences of the war), economy (theories and the real effect of it´s application), conflicts (for example inter-cultural conflicts), etc.

Well, as a conclusion I have to say that to blogging is a comfortable activity, because I do not feel pressed and help me feel that I am doing something worthy, instead of just to put in the right place some words in an activity.

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