Wednesday 23 April 2014

Animals and pets

Have you ever feel the happiness of receiving a dog for your birthday or for Chrismasts, after been a long time asking for it? Do you remember the first time you went for a walk with your new dog? Have you lived the experience of feeding your own dog? All of these are unforgettable moments on the life of many persons. Sadly, i never could have any of these cute life episodes.
All my life i have wish to have a dog. The reason because my wish has never been accomplished is the fact that i have lived in flats all of my life.

It is said that dogs are the man´s best friend, and the better pet. I really agree with that. They are always eager to play. They also know when you are sad, and they can comfort you.

Yes, i know that other animals sometimes want to play too, but the dog is the only one that will not exclude you. For example, hamsters, rabbits and cats only see you as their food source, but not as a friend who they can play with. The would be more interested into exploring the area, and will no pay attention to you.

Also, dogs have the advantage of been large enough to play safety sports games. They are not as fragile as other animals. One day i played with a friend´s dog and it bitted me playing, but i didn´t get hurt.

I have only owned hamsters. They are best option for someone who lives in a flat. They were funny and active at the beginning, but soon they turned into slow and sleepy creatures. Almost all of them died tragically:

-Two died because diarrhoea.
-One accidentally treading by my mom.
-One poisoned by the water of Antofagasta.
-One died for unknown reasons. We found it dead when we come back to house.
-One died because its age.

The most tragicomic thing is that when i told people about my hamster´s deaths some of them just laugh.

Well, at my infancy i tough that go the circus could be a funny experience. However, now i have changed my point of view, after i read an article about the how cruel is the life of the animals in circus.

I am not against the zoos, but i think that some animals need to have a bigger space. Also, i believe that security should be increased, because some visitors often annoy the animals with impunity.

The only think that i hate more than animals in circus, is people who likes to use fur coats. How they are so unconscious? We have the damn technology to make synthetic clothes. There is no reason to kill animals with this purpose anymore. Are not enough all the animals that die every year to feed us? And some people want to have  that luxury, when millions of humans are dying because the lack of resources and a lot of species are in danger of extinction!
Well, i if i could choose to be an animal i would like to be a dog, because all the fun that you can have with so many energy.


  1. im sorry about your pets :( that's very sad man! i know how it feels! ps: dogs are the best animals! i'm agree with you :)

  2. i like dogs, but i haven't one :c
